Breakfast ideas for Mother's Day and Father's Day

Frühstücksideen für Muttertag und Vatertag

In the coming days we will celebrate our mum and dads! Time for a delicious family breakfast. With these yummy breakfast ideas you can definitely score points on Mother's Day and Father's Day.

Overnight oats for Mother's Day breakfast

Late risers? No problem! So that you don't have to get up at 6am to prepare the perfect Mother's Day breakfast, you can relax and prepare delicious overnight oats creations the evening before. The next day, prepare some fresh fruit for the toppings and you have a delicious breakfast.

Our favourite overnight oats recipes in spring:

Yum - Baked oats

With baked oats you can cater to everyone at the breakfast table - whether you're a late riser or a breakfast person! The baked porridge tastes like a delicious cake. With our different varieties you can create lots of different recipes. Chocolate junkie? Then you definitely have to try our peanut butter chocolate baked oats .

Gift Ideas for Mum & Dad

Would you like to give a little something? In our shop you will find great gift ideas, such as our 3Bears Porridge sample package, so your loved ones can try our tasty porridge varieties. Looking for a last minute gift? You can make fruity energy balls from our porridge - beautifully packaged in a glass, the oat pralines are the perfect gift!

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