GuideDie richtige Laufroutine finden: Sieben Erfolgstipps vom Marathon-Profi Hendrik Pfeiffer

Finding the Right Running Routine: Seven Tips for Success from Marathon Professional Hendrik Pfeiffer

Discover the seven secrets of a successful running routine! Marathon professional Hendrik Pfeiffer shares his best tips for variety, training, community, cycles, protocols, nutrition and the perfec...

GuideAbnehmen mit Porridge und Overnight Oats: Eine leckere Reise zur Traumfigur

Lose Weight with Porridge and Overnight Oats: A delicious journey to your dream figure

The journey to sustainable weight loss can often seem like a challenge, but with the right nutritional choices, it can be effective and delicious. Porridge and overnight oats are two delicious ways...

GuideGeld sparen beim Essen: 10 Clevere Tipps für zu Hause und unterwegs

Saving Money When Eating Out: 10 Clever Tips For At Home and On-the-go

Whether you're cooking at home or eating on the go, food costs can add up quickly. But with a few clever strategies and planning, you can significantly reduce your food spending without sacrificing...

GuideWärmend und Wohltuend: Perfektes Porridge für die Herbstzeit

Warming and Soothing: Perfect Porridge for the Autumn

Autumn is a season of transition when leaves fall from the trees and temperatures gradually drop. It is also the time when we crave comforting and warming foods that will warm us up from the inside...

GuideNahrhaftes Frühstück leicht gemacht: Overnight Oats

Nutritious Breakfast Made Easy: Overnight Oats

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, and yet many of us often neglect eating in the morning due to lack of time or convenience. Overnight oats are a great solution to start t...

Jahreszeiten & AnlässeAdventskalender: Die faszinierende Geschichte und moderne Vielfalt

Advent Calendar: The fascinating history and modern diversity

The Advent calendar is an integral part of the Christmas season that brings back childhood memories and anticipation. But how did this traditional custom develop and what exciting variations are th...