PorridgeOstern is(s)t anders

Easter Is Different

Easter is just around the corner and a lot of things are different this year. Spatial distancing from friends and family makes the Easter brunch table seem emptier than usual... But there are othe...

Aktiv LebenWarum ist 3Bears Porridge das perfekte Frühstück?

Why is 3Bears Porridge the Perfect Breakfast?

Porridge can be prepared warm or cold, and in just 3 minutes you can have the perfect breakfast ready. What's so great about our 3Bears Porridge? We'll tell you!

3Bears FreundePlätzchen backen wie ein Sternekoch: Interview mit Dominik Käppeler

Baking Cookies like a Star Chef: Interview with Dominik Käppeler

Our oat flakes are not only good for porridge but can also be used for delicious cookies and other Christmas treats! Star chef Dominik Käppeler tells us the recipe for his heavenly oat cookies to r...