Scones with Raspberry Frosting

Scones mit Himbeer-Frosting

Dear Daniela and Heiko conjured up this fabulous recipe and together they run the vegan enjoyment blog “Teekesselchen”. Now we too have been able to enjoy one of her creations. We would like to introduce: delicious porridge scones with raspberry frosting! Our co-founder Tim naturally welcomed these delicious scones because this recipe is “very British”. Just like Tim, scones come from the British Isles. They are a pastry that you can enjoy in a cozy atmosphere with a cup of tea in the afternoon. We'd say put on a kettle of tea, grab our 3Bears Porridge and whip up your own tasty scones. We wish you a wonderfully relaxed afternoon tea. Have fun!


Recipe for 8 to 10 scones

Ingredients for the scones

250ml coconut milk (or other plant milk)
250g flour, type 550
100g 3Bears Porridge Three kinds of berries
60g solid coconut oil (or vegan margarine, such as Alsan)
40g sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt


Ingredients for the raspberry frosting

200g powdered sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice or water
Juice of 2 raspberries


Preparation of scones

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
  2. Place the flour, 3 Bears porridge mix, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a mixing bowl and mix well.
  3. Put the mixture in a food processor, add the coconut oil and mix briefly at medium speed.
  4. Stir in the vanilla extract and 125ml coconut milk and knead the dough again. The dough should quickly take on a compact consistency that holds together but is not too moist. (Tip: You should be able to form it into a ball with your hands that doesn't stick to your hands. If the dough is too dry, you can add more of the remaining coconut milk a tablespoon at a time.)
  5. Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and form it into a large ball with your hands. Place this on a lightly floured surface and press onto the ball from above with the flat of your hand until you have a discus that is about five centimetres thick. Cut this into 8-10 equal pieces with a knife.
  6. Bake the dough triangles on a baking tray lined with baking paper in the oven preheated to 190°C for 15-18 minutes until they are golden brown.


Preparation of frosting

  1. Place the powdered sugar in a tall container.
  2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix well with a spoon.
  3. Place the raspberries in a small sieve and squeeze over the powdered sugar and lemon mixture.
  4. Mix everything well again to form a uniform cream.

Take the finished scones out of the warm oven, pour the frosting over them and serve with more jam, margarine or something similar. Enjoy with a cup of tea in a relaxed atmosphere and you've created your own little British moment. Enjoy it!


This fabulous blog post comes from our guest bloggers Daniela and Heiko. Her enjoyment blog Teekesselchen is all about vegan recipes and sustainable tips. The two share their creations, ideas and tips on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest under @teekesselchenhh.


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