BackenBaked Oats Apfelstrudel Style

Baked Oats Apple Strudel Style

Baked oats with our cinnamon apple porridge are particularly delicious and with this recipe there is an apple strudel feeling!

BackenBlueberry Baked Oats

Blueberry Baked Oats

Smells like blueberry muffins! The baked oats with our triple berry porridge not only smell like freshly baked blueberry muffins, they also taste like them.

BackenVegane Baked Oats mit Schokolade und Banane

Vegan Baked Oats with Chocolate and Banana

Baked porridge is quick and easy to prepare and tastes like warm cake for breakfast. Who could resist that?

BackenVegane Haferkekse

Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

These vegan oat cookies are a must-have on any cookie plate: a fruity version with our cinnamon apple porridge and fresh apples and chocolatey cookies with our triple berry porridge.

BackenGeschenkidee: Weihnachtliches Granola im Glas

Gift Idea: Christmas Granola in a Glass

The recipe for our winter granola is the perfect (last minute) Christmas present. Beautifully packaged in our 3Bears Overnight Oats jar, the homemade gift from the kitchen makes a real difference.

BackenWinterlicher Frühstücksauflauf: Baked Porridge

Winter Breakfast Casserole: Baked Porridge

Baked Porridge is a breakfast casserole that should not be missing from any brunch or family breakfast. For the breakfast casserole, the porridge is mixed cold and topped with fruit and nuts and th...