
Chocolatey Banana Muffins for Little Adventurers

Schokoladige Bananen-Muffins für kleine Abenteurer


Everything banana and sooo chocolaty too, please! These ingenious vegan chocolate banana muffins are guaranteed to be a hit at every kids party. And the best part, they are super quick and easy to prepare! Our Wild Kids Porridge Cocoa Banana provides valuable fibre. This keeps you full for a long time and gives you plenty of power to run around. For the kids, we also pay particular attention to ensuring that no processed sugar is included, the sweetness is provided by fresh bananas. Really delicious cocoa banana!

Healthy muffins for children


For 10 muffins:
2 ripe bananas
2 tbsp chia seeds
30ml coconut oil
150ml oat drink, unsweetened
200 g Wild Kids Porridge cocoa banana , finely ground
1 tsp baking soda
1 teaspoon Baking powder
1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 180° top and bottom heat and prepare 10 small muffin cases.
Mix 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with 6 tablespoons of water and let them soak for about 10 minutes. Roughly mash the bananas and mix them in a bowl with the chia seeds and coconut oil. The riper your bananas are, the sweeter the muffins will taste in the end.
Finely grind Wild Kids cocoa banana in the food processor or blender. Then stir in the oat drink, the Wild Kids “oat flour”, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
Divide the mixture between the muffin cups. Now bake for about 20 minutes and allow to cool thoroughly before eating.

Healthy muffins with oatmeal

Nutritious breakfast for children – power for the day

A nutritious children's breakfast provides energy to run around, have fun and discover new things. Variety in the morning also ensures a good mood and a positive start to the day.
What goes into a complete breakfast for children? Lots of valuable vitamins and good fibre, we should avoid industrial sugar.
But implementing this is not that easy. In the morning, every move has to be perfect and there is no time for a lavish breakfast. And there are often no ideas for variety on the breakfast table.
To make your start to the day easier, we have put together 5 brilliant tips and great recipe ideas for an ideal breakfast for children. This means that the little ones are guaranteed to have enough power for their daily adventures.

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