Bio Hafer-Pasta – Casarecce

Sale price€3,49

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Delivery time 1-3 working days

This is what you get:
  • Achtung, neues Design: denn eure Lieblings-Hafer-Pasta gibt's jetzt in unserem Standardsortiment – aber nur, solange der Vorrat reicht!
  • Glutenfrei: Bio Hafer-Pasta aus Hafermehl und Maismehl
  • Al dente in nur 8 Minuten 🍝
  • 0 % Weizenmehl, 100 % echter Pasta Geschmack & vegan
  • Hafer-Amore direkt aus bella Italia
  • Das EU-Bio-Siegel IT-BIO-009 steht für Bio-Qualität
  • Aufgrund des hohen Bestellaufkommens dauert der Versand bei Bestellungen mit unserer Bio Hafer-Pasta aktuell etwas länger als gewohnt.

Clean ingredients

Without industrial sugar

Happy you. Happy planet

Extra Portion Hafer-Amore für dich

Mamma mia, da haben wir was angerichtet! Und das ist ausnahmsweise kein Porridge: Hier kommt unsere Hafer-Pasta – Casarecce. Die Nudeln sind eine mega Ergänzung für deine glutenfreie oder vegane Ernährung. Unsere yummy Pasta ist direkt aus Italien – aus natürlichen Zutaten und mit einer Extraportion Hafer-Amore.

Inspo from the Oaty community

Our 3Bears promise to you.

We founded 3Bears in 2016 because we were frustrated by how much sugar was hidden in so many foods. We brought porridge to Germany because for us it makes the perfect, wholesome breakfast. You can now get pretty much everything related to oats from us: overnight oats, bars, granola and accessories. And you can trust us to always stick to our principles. There is no industrial sugar or additives in our products, they are always 100% plant-based and sustainability is deeply rooted in us.

Yours Caro & Tim

Support our start-up with your purchase!

At 3Bears you get premium products from people for people. Caroline and Tim, a German-British couple, founded 3Bears in 2016. There are now just over 20 enthusiastic people working in our office in Munich and doing everything they can to ensure that you can enjoy great Oats products every day.

We are making a difference.

For our environment. For all of us.

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