
Quick Oat Burgers

Schnelle Hafer Burger

Juicy and delicious burgers don't always have to be made of meat, so forget the boring run-of-the-mill burgers and let yourself be inspired by the vegan and protein-rich oat burger. We'll show you how to use oatmeal as your secret weapon to conjure up the best burgers of your life - juicy, amazing and super fast!


Oatsotto burgers



For the Burger Patties:
150g Crunchy classic
1 Carrot, finely diced
Rapeseed Oil (for frying)
1/2 Red Onion, diced
300ml Water
50g Cheddar Cheese, grated
1 egg (size M)

For the Burger Cream:
2 tbsp Mustard
3 tbsp Tomato Paste
1 tsp Maple Syrup
2 tbsp Milk or Oat Drink

For Covering:
1 Avocado, Cucumber and Tomato, sliced
Burger Buns


For the patties, fry the carrot cubes in a little oil in a pan until they are lightly brown. Pour in a little water and simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes. If necessary, add water little by little. Once the water has completely boiled away, add onions and continue frying. Add the Kerniger Classic and pour in water. Cook everything for 3 minutes until creamy over medium heat. Stir in the grated cheese and let it cool slightly. Finally, beat an egg and stir in.

The “pattie dough” should hold together well; If it is too soft, stir in some pure Kerniger Classic. Form 2-3 large balls out of it.

Heat plenty of oil in a non-stick pan and add the balls. Flatten the patties and fry on each side over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, you can mix the burger cream and all the ingredients with 2 tablespoons of water and toast the burger buns a little, if desired.

Top the buns with cucumbers and tomatoes. First, put the pattie on top, then avocado, cress and the cream. Finally, put the bun lid on and serve.

Oatsotto burgers

Enjoy these quick and nutritious burgers! Best of all, the recipe is completely customisable, so you can make it according to your taste. Whether you prefer other vegetables, want to add vegan cheese or prefer a classic burger sauce - there are no limits to your imagination. These versatile patties are also perfect as a delicious snack for work or school, especially when you combine them with fresh salad. So what are you waiting for? Enjoy these delicious and quickly prepared burgers and create your own personal taste experience!

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