BackenGeschenkidee: Weihnachtliches Granola im Glas

Gift Idea: Christmas Granola in a Glass

The recipe for our winter granola is the perfect (last minute) Christmas present. Beautifully packaged in our 3Bears Overnight Oats jar, the homemade gift from the kitchen makes a real difference.

BackenZimtiges Apfel-Granola mit Kardamom

Cinnamon Apple Granola with Cardamom

There are endless different preparations for our cinnamon apple porridge variety and here is one of them. In 10 minutes you have a super delicious dish with a fruity, spicy taste.

GranolaApfel Zimt Granola Rezept Porridge Haferflocken

Magical Apple Cinnamon Granola

You can quickly conjure up crispy granola from all of our porridge varieties and have a delicious topping for your porridge.

BackenPikantes Granola Haferflocken Nüsse Chilli

Spicy Pumpkin Granola

A wonderful creation that is piquant. Yes, you've read that correctly. You can also enjoy our porridge spicy and we will show you how.