Süßer PorridgeDreierlei Beere Vitamin Porridge mit Thermomix

Three Types of Berry Porridge for Cold Days

Get strong for the cold winter days! With our vitamin-rich porridge you are prepared for anything.

Süßer PorridgeBayrisches Apfelstrudel Porridge Weltmeisterschaft

The Bavarian Apple Strudel Porridge - Our recipe for the World Porridge Championships

Our founder Caroline took part in the Porridge World Championships with this recipe. A wonderful dish with Bavarian roots that will make you feast.

Süßer PorridgeVeganes Kokosnuss-Porridge mit Feigen und Aprikosenkompott

Vegan Coconut Porridge with Figs and Apricot Compote

We love colourful porridge bowls! Our Fruity Coconut variety is perfect for making a delicious bowl of dates, coconut and apricots.           

BowlsPorridge-Bowl mit Frozen Berries

Porridge Bowl with Frozen Berries

Berries as a topping. Perfect! They look beautiful, taste good and are full of vitamins. So check out our fabulous summer recipe.

Süßer PorridgeApfel Zimt Proats proteinreich Johannisbeeren Brombeeren Agavensirup Skyr

Apple-Cinnamon Proats for Athletes

A very simple recipe to follow to start the day, the right way!

Süßer PorridgeGolden Porridge Kurkuma Feigen Cashew-Nüssen Kokos Joghurt

Vegan Golden Porridge with Turmeric

With this recipe you can have an exotic porridge with coconut flavour in no time!