BackenFluffy Hafer Pancakes

Fluffy Oat Pancakes

Are pancakes your feel-good food? Then hold on tight: We're now dropping the cakes out of the pan with oat power. Our oat pancakes in the morning banish hunger and worries. Because of course we als...

BackenNahrhaftes Haferbrot

Nutritious Oat Bread

Finally a bread where you know what's in it - and what's not. Wheat flour and industrial sugar remain outside. The main role in the organic baking mix is ​​played by a real power trio that natural...

BackenSaftiges Hafer Bananenbrot

Juicy Oat Banana Bread

With the organic baking mix from 3Bears, your banana bread almost makes itself - regardless of whether you prepare it classic or vegan. Bananas are an ideal source of energy for the head and body....

BackenSchokoladige Bananen-Muffins für kleine Abenteurer

Chocolatey Banana Muffins for Little Adventurers

Everything banana and sooo chocolaty too, please! These ingenious vegan chocolate banana muffins are guaranteed to be a hit at every kids party. And the best? They are super quick and easy to prep...

BackenCookie Dough Baked Oats

Cookie Dough Baked Oats

Who doesn't love scooping up raw cookie dough? Unfortunately, it is anything but nutritious. We have a Cookie Dough Baked Oats recipe for you here. And we think it easily rivals the original. The...

BackenBaked Oats Cinnamon Roll

Baked Oats Cinnamon Rolls

We all love warm cinnamon rolls from the oven. Here we have a vegan alternative to the classic for you. For baked oats, oat flakes are ground into a flour and then baked in the oven. Baked oats -...